Multi-Turn Extraction

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Minutes of the 56th MTE meeting held on Thursday April 26th 2012

Present :

S. Damjanovic, M. Hourican, M. Giovannozzi, C. Hernalsteens, J.-M. Lacroix

Excused :

J. Borburgh, R. Brown. R. Folch

Main items

Conclusions and actions from the meeting
  1. The situation of the shielding wall of the Linac 3 has been clarified and indeed, it can be extended with some impact on the radiation levels in the Linac 3 area. This option has no negative effects in terms of civil engineering and it has been retained and it will be implemented.

  2. The support of the dummy septum will be a simple metallic plate put on a concrete block. This would avoid interference with the bus bars. Additional concrete block will be added onto the metallic plate and then the supporting structure of the dummy septum will be installed.  A final layout will be prepared (Action: J.-M. Lacroix).

  3. Once finalised, the layout and overall dimensions of the dummy septum will be circulated in order to finalise activation studies as well as beam impedance simulations (Action: ABT).

  4. Drawings of the PS main magnet vacuum chambers will be provided to Sanja in order to build a new PS ring model including the curvature (currently, the model is straight) (Action: J.-M. Lacroix).

  5. The proposal of not installing any shielding on the upstream side of SS15 should be carefully considered and a quantitative justification prepared, i.e., the gain in shielding effect downstream against the loss of shielding for backscattered particles (Action: DGS-RP).

  6. In case the removal of any shielding on the upstream side is well-justified, then one flange on the upstream side of the dummy septum will be removed (Action: ABT).

  7. The dose delivered to the coils insulation of MMU14 and MMU15 should be computed and compared against known limits (Action: DGS-RP).

  8. The dose delivered during exchange operations of the dummy septum should be evaluated (Action: ABT, DGS-RP).

  9. It was shown that 1 degree change in the relative beam-blade alignment decreases the efficiency of the system by a factor of two! Beam orbits will be measured to assess whether the PS machine is compatible with such a tolerance (Action: ABP).

  10. Details for the tracking of particles have been discussed and a set of input file will be prepared (Action: DGS-RP and ABP).


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