MTE Actions
Uncompleted Actions
Completed Actions
Action number, Responsible(s), description
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Find a solution for the DFA242 switch
Evaluate the impact of different bumpers' rise-times (bump 16) on the beam orbit
Testing the bumper magnets' controls (bump 16)
Evaluate the possibility of having separate forewarning signals for the bumper magnets (bump 16)
Agree with AB/OP for testing the dual-mode operation of the BFA9 during the hardware tests.
Update the distribution list for the meetings and the minutes on the hardware tests
Check the kicker polarities
Bump 16 installation strategy
Naming of the new MTE non-linear elements and of the bumper magnets (bump 16)
Comment the non-conformity of the new special bellows.
Estimate the inductance of the cables for the bump16
Check the reliability of the octupole TEKELEC power converter
Check that the octupoles and sextupoles power converters have an analog output for the samplers
Check the clearance of a spare magnet for the new vacuum chambers
#15 2007 Aug 02
Define the procedures for vacuum tests (vacuum chambers and the bellows)
#12 2007 May 24
Perform leak tests on the three chambers found on top of the PS tunnel
#13 2007 Jun 07
Fix the date for the delivery of the bellows
Check the weld procedure at ZANON (chambers MU14/15/16)
Update the list of spares and items to be built for MTE activities
Follow up the production of the new flanges
Definition of details for connecting the ion pump on the kicker tank
follow up the issue of new smaller vacuum chamber in SS15
Check tolerances in the manufacture drawings (chambers MU14/15/16)
Evaluate from simulation the deflection of the transition piece between BFA21 and KFA21 + evaluate the possibility of a support
Prepare a cost estimate for the mobile vacuum group (for testing the kicker tanks)
Perform simulations for the modification of the PS kickers vacuum tanks
Change of the DFA243 name.
#5 2006 Dec 07
#7 2007 Feb 01
Verify during the SD 2006/7 together with the AB/PO specialists the reliability of the TEKELEC power converters (octupoles)
Include the deadlines for the installation of controls in bldg. 367 (June 2007) and the chambers production in the SD 2007/8 schedule
#4 2006 Nov 23
Replace the cards of the passive compensation of eddy currents in MU18 and 19 with the version compatible with the enlarged, but standard vacuum chamber.
#6 2007 Jan 18
Definitions of the workshop activities related to the MTE for the SD 2006/7
Check the feasibility of the coexistence between LEIR and the MTE power converters in the South Hall in 2008 (cooling)
Provide (to C. Rossi) the details of the conical transition from MU07 to the upstream side of the 80 MHz RF cavity.
Investigate the possibility of installing the new power converters for the octupoles in the SD 2007/8 (budget)
#3 2006 Nov 9
Check the deadline for the removal of the the existing power converters platform imposed by Linac4 and LEIR
Provide to T. Dobers the drawings of both the new octupoles and the modified TT2 line as soon as they are available for alignment
Verify the intervention on the controls necessary for the relocations of the RF cavity and sextupoles during the SD 2006/7
Check the deadline for the installation plan of UPS, network, and controls cables in building 367 related to the kickers (SD 2007/8)
Notification to the people responsible for the safety and the environmental protection of the latest installation layouts (Bld. 367 & 359) related to the kickers
Check whether some vacuum pumps need to be moved together the ERD DAF243 in TT2 (SD 2006/7)