- January 2015 - MLS Seminar: "Manipulation of
transverse beam distribution in circular accelerators: beam splitting by
particles’ trapping into resonance islands".
PPT Version
- July 2013 - Oxford University Seminar: "Manipulation
of transverse beam distribution in circular accelerators: beam splitting by
particles’ trapping into resonance islands".
PPT Version
- May 2013 - Special seminar of the Graz
University of Technology: ``Using non-linear effects to
manipulate beams in circular accelerators: beam splitting by
particles' trapping into resonance islands''.
PPT Version
- January 2012 - IEFC: "MTE Conclusions for 2011".
PPT Version
- November 2011 - ABP Forum: "Multi-Turn
Extraction studies and PTC".
PPT Version
- October 2011 - IEFC: "Conclusions from
the MTE workshop".
PPT Version
- June 2011 - PO BEMB: "MTE status and plans".
PPT Version
- March 2011 - IEFC Workshop: "MTE roadmap – Beam physics
PPT Version
- January 2011 - IEFC: "MTE action plan - what is foreseen in 2011?".
PPT Version
- September 2010 - MTE Workshop: "Measurements’ analysis".
PPT Version
- September 2010 - MTE Workshop: "New MTE
extraction scheme to mitigate irradiation of SMH16".
PPT Version
- May 2010 - IPAC10 contributed oral presentation: "Results
from the 2009 Beam Commissioning of the CERN Multi-Turn
Extraction". PPT Version
- January 2010 - The LHC Injector and Experimental
Facilities Committee Meeting: "Linac3 shielding".
PPT Version
- January 2010 - The LHC Injector and
Experimental Facilities Committee Meeting: "Status and
plans for PS Multi-turn extraction".
PPT Version
- June 2008 - G-2 Meeting - BNL: "CERN PS Multi-turn
extraction project: principle and experimental results".
PPT Version
- April 2008 - AB Operation Committee: "MTE shut down
activities and commissioning plans for 2008 ".
PPT Version
- March 2008 - OP Shutdown courses: "PS MTE
principle and measurements until 2007".
PPT Version
- February 2008 - Accelerator Performance Committee: "MTE
commissioning strategy and requirements".
PPT Version
- January 2008 - Symposium for the 65th anniversary of
Giorgio Turchetti: "The use of resonances for multi-turn beam extraction
from circular accelerators''. PPT Version
- January 2008 - ABP-LIS Section meeting: "MTE
commissioning in 2008". PPT Version
- October 2007 - AB Accelerator Technical Committee: "MTE
project status: What is done? What will be done for the next operation year?
Technical open points".
PPT Version
- July 2007 - Fermilab, Accelerator Physics and Technology
Seminar: "Resonant multi-turn extraction project: principle and experiments
at the CERN Proton Synchrotron".
PPS Version
- May 2006 - Workshop HB2006, invited talk:
"Design and Tests of a Low-Loss Multi-Turn Ejection for the CERN PS''.
PPS Version
- September 2005 - Workshop COULOMB'05, invited talk: "Resonant
multi-turn extraction: principle and experiments''.
- May 2005 - Conference PAC05, invited talk: "Final Results
from the Novel Multi-turn Extraction Studies at CERN Proton Synchrotron''.
- January 2005 - Workshop "PS-SPS Days'', invited talk: "When
can we have a clean Multiturn Extraction from the PS?''.
- December 2004 - Bologna University INFN Section Seminar: "A
novel approach to multiturn extraction from a circular particle accelerator:
beam trapping in stable islands of transverse phase space''.
PPT Version
- October 2004 - HHH 2004, First CARE-HHH-APD Workshop on
Beam Dynamics in Future Hadron Colliders and Rapidly Cycling High-Intensity
Synchrotrons, invited talk: "Multiturn extraction and injection using stable
- October 2004 - 33rd ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop
on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, invited talk: "Multiturn
Extraction Based on Trapping in Stable Islands''.
- September 2004 - AB Seminar: "Recent results of the studies
for a novel multi-turn extraction at the CERN PS''.
- July 2004 - EPAC 2004, contributed talk: "Multiturn Extraction
Based on Trapping in Stable Islands at CERN PS:
Recent Measurement Advances''.PPT
- April 2004 - ISS, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ANKA Seminar: "A
novel approach to multi-turn extraction: adiabatic capture in stable islands
of transverse phase space''.PPT
- March 2004 - CERN CNGS Technical Working Group seminar: "2004
PS studies for CNGS proton beam''.PDF
- May 2003 - PAC2003, contributed talk: "Adiabatic Beam Trapping
in Stable Islands of Transverse Phase Space: Measurement Results at CERN
Proton Synchrotron''.
- March 2003 - CERN, AB Division seminar: "Multiturn Extraction
by Means of Adiabatic Capture in Stable Islands''.
- February 2003 - CERN, High Intensity Protons Working
Group seminar: "PS multi-turn extraction: studies, MDs, and future
- October 2002 - Greenbelt (MD - USA), 2002 Charged Particle
Conference: "Multiturn Extraction: Performance Analysis of Old and New
- October 2002 - Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY - USA),
ICFA Mini-Workshop on Slow Extraction: "Multiturn Extraction Using
Adiabatic Capture in Islands of Transverse Phase Space: Theoretical Predictions
Preliminary Measurements Results''.PDF